*i'm da WhiTe*  

Posted by HoNeYsaH


0ne word dat quite describes me i guess..
act i c0py n 'stole' it fr0m a pers0n..
i did n0t kn0w him..nga3..
just singgah n read up his bl0g n suddnly i attracted wif 1 of his post ab0ut Colour in Life..
thankz man..
^ ^

that p0st is ab0ut what c0lour are we according t0 our d.o.b.
since my birthday is 0n 10th Nov..s0 my c0lour is WHITE..
here da description of SI PUTIH.. ( ^ ^)

You dream and have goals in your life. You get jealous easily and you don’t react to things easily. You are different and sometimes weird, but everyone loves that in you.

da caractheristics is quite similar t0 me..
let me tell u..

-You dream and have goals in your life
*yah, i hve l0t of dreams n g0als..n h0pe t0 achive it 0ne fine day..i'allah..

-You get jealous easily and you don’t react to things easily
*yah..again..it's true..i'm easily get JEALOUS..heheh..s0 beware...hahaha..erm..yah..s0metimes i d0nt react wif things easily..blur mayb..but bare in mind..S0METIMES only!

-You are different and sometimes weird, but everyone loves that in you.
*yah..i'm weird..nga3..but i still thinking which part of me n my behaviour is weird..just cant find it out..oh yeah..i think dat 1 of my behaviour dat make me weird..yah..i guess s0 as my sis als0 said da same..ngu3..every1 l0ves dat in me?dunn0..only u all kn0w da answer..

dat's all..

This entry was posted on Tuesday, December 23, 2008 at 1:32 AM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


no comment this time :P

December 23, 2008 at 4:43 AM

owhh...ko lahir 10 Nov upenye..
bru tau..
naseb bek dah lps..
xyah wish..heheh...
dak putih ek..
kre cam putri salju r nie..
ader mak tiri yg jahat..
hehheh...gurau jer..

December 23, 2008 at 6:30 AM

white person ek..


sgt pure^^

tp xleh jd putri salju..

kne jd snow storm white..


December 23, 2008 at 7:00 PM

aryanna:y snow storm white?x pe2..x mau p0n jd pu3 salju..huhuhu..
sapphire:x de2..x men r mak tiri nieh..hahaha..walaupon dh lps..aq nk gk adiah..hahaha..
kacipcrew:bgus!..comment yg bgus..

December 23, 2008 at 7:29 PM

cz br de klas gitu..

ori lg..

cte putri salju da byk kli dgr..


December 24, 2008 at 8:14 AM

white .. haha lupa warna apa
lam kelas thinking skill ada blaja

haha leh kaji kita warna apa based on feelings tak silap

btw nice blog
keep it up

December 26, 2008 at 8:19 AM

ko wane putih??klu bln mei??
sbnrnye tuan pnyer blog ni mmg putih sbb pki fair n lovely!!hhheheehe

January 1, 2009 at 7:17 AM

ske ati k0 jer cik anonymous aka muh iy..
aq x pki p0wn fair n l0vely..

January 1, 2009 at 7:20 AM

ko serlahkn name aku!!cehhh
hahaha....xjd anonymous ar lg...klu mei wane ape??

January 1, 2009 at 7:26 AM

sje bg k0 glamer jap kat bl0g aq..
kan aq dh bgtau k0 wrne pe kan?

January 2, 2009 at 9:09 AM

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